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1. does the grapple hook have to much force to it? Should it have a cool down on it?

The grapple hook seems intuitive and the force seems right.  Not sure how the player movements work into the grapple hook.  I Started messing with them more and noticed that the jumping seems to stack onto itself.  I found that I could just double/triple jump without using the grapple hook to move up the volcano.  While the grapple hook doesn't seem to cause collision issues, the movement controls seem to cause the player to get stuck on sides of rocks sticking out as well as allowing the player to jump into the wall and get stuck behind the walls of the volcano.  

2. What other forms of obstacles would you like to see as the player attempts to swing out of the volcano?

I think there should be some sort of enemy to fight or avoid.  Maybe adding in falling balls of lava that knock you down further but don't kill you.  Maybe some sort of platform or area that will kill you if touched.  It is fun to just shoot the grapple hook up and move up the volcano but after a bit there's not much more to do.  Speeding up the lava as you progress might help with the urgency as the player progresses.

3. Currently there is only one speed set on the rising milk lava. We plan to later make it increase in velocity as the game continues. Is the velocity that it is at now to slow/fast for the start of the run?

I feel like at the very beginning it seems OK since if you just stand there it will quickly come up and end the game.  Also gives you a little time figure out what's going on.  But as you start to just climb a little, you can tell that the lava is moving too slow, so scaling that speed up the further you go would help.  I think maybe there should be some sort of dialog or info at the start of the game to tell the user how the grapple hook works and maybe delay the start of the lava rising until the hook is first used or maybe a certain spot reached.  If you don't do anything right at the start of the game the lava gets you and the game ends abruptly without ever really seeing the lava.