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Thanks for another review video CoalFire, we enjoyed watching you play the demo!

Just a couple things we think you're missing about the demo:

- Noticed you're not using the jump slash attack at all (Y on the controller), this is a great attack for clearing ledges of enemies as it can be done in the air. You can also dash through enemies. The defensive attack can be very effective too if you learn to use it properly (TIP: practice parrying the Living Statue enemy).

- Whether you want to engage in combat or not is up to the player, as you saw at the beginning, the main quest to find three chests and open the door. So basically, stay alive through whatever means necessary to explore the level, find what you need and achieve this goal. In the full game, enemy drops are used for crafting new weapons and trinkets but unfortunately this functionality isn't in the demo.

-There is saving and loading functionality in the demo, however if you die - you die (as per the roguelite genre). Collected materials are maintained after death, which obviously is useful for crafting in the full game but not a big deal in the demo.

We'd love to see you complete the demo if you can 😉 It's pretty challenging but very possible!