oooooooh yea I can see why it would seem that way. If I'm honest, I don't know what I'm doing lololol.
What I mean is I don't know how I'm suppose to utilize to give updates as the updates I tend to give are more like blogging. (Showing a sneak peak CG here, talking about plans, or some works in progress).
I wanted to post updates somewhere on the internet like tumblr, or twitter but there's an issue of content when it comes to these things. A lot of the things I create break the Terms of Service on a lot of sites, so I've stuck to posting updates on discord instead. At least until I find another way. That and I'm also really bad at keeping up with social media
>~<, Discord seemed to be the best place to post cause I'm always there.
Anyhew, the jest of all that above is, the updates are available on Patreon (until the game is complete) and Discord (which offers a blogging like update situation.) At least until I figure out a platform to use. Discord also has updates about all things I'm creating, aka the other games.