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So, these are my 5 cents on the final version of the game. I have bitter sweet feelings about this game...

The sweet part. SayItAgain is one of my two favorite VN adult games ever. Graphically I like the characters, very well embraced in the environment, with well made body and facial expressions... a very good job in creating something different and original.

Also the story. You created a very good background for each character, that justifies the way they behave and interact with each other, engaging in behaviours of discovery, and you did it very well. You managed to take the player in a journey on a very well acomplished way, where one can give total attention to the story without loosing on endless options or branches... congratulations for that.

And now the bitter part. These 4 chapters feel like the perfect prologue. You created an amazing story for this girls, and now that bounderies and feelings are set and ready for this relation to expand and create a magnificent story... you end it.

I can only imagine the work you had in creating this VN, really.... my congrats to you for it, but now that you created the base for a great novel, you decide to end it. I could only ask for you to consider not to end it now, and if you want I can give you my thoughts on ideas to continue this amazing VN.

Once again, congratulations from this huge fan!


I have to second your opinion on wanting to see more.