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and i wish i could fight you stupid girl and suck


bro i dont know what is your problem but i think you should get it checked out by a therapist


what the hell you mean?  if you mean i have to go to therapist so why i need to go to fucking therapist and my problem is i cant get 1.4.4 or .1.2.6 or 1.2.4 or 1.2.5 or .1.3.2 or  1.3.3 and that is my problem  


and you are liar😑 bc you lying to me you find 1.2.9 randomly 😑😑😑


and  i know you dont care but i need to tell oyu this you mother******      i text that guy obsidious and if can put 1.4.4 and he didnt answer and don t you dare you will say you don t care 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


i dont care bruh


stop saying you don t care and stop saying you cant find other version if you do say you cant find other version then i will punch you in the face and report you !!!!!!!!


bro we dont know eachother in real life! how the fuck are you gonna punch me in the fucking face!

that right! and you starting  to be rude!!  you motherfucker and tell me how and where check therapist  send me a link if there is or something


im starting to be rude? you're the one who calls me a motherfucker


blah blah blah aka that true but what that word was huh  when you said fucking and about my pain care of your pain anyways im 11 years old


hahaha you thought i was old guy but not

im sorry i did that well let me know if you find any or no

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago