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OK yall big thing here.

So madmantoss said he doesn't want ctp or its logo used, so to be respectful Im thinking we change the name of the game. However I have no idea what to change it to.

I also DO NOT want my name branded on it (ex: coolguy chat, cool chat, ect.) bc I want t to be unique to the community. 

So I'll hold a small poll

Should we change the name

Or keep it the same


fnf test chat?


I say screw it, keep the name. THE CTP LIVES ON!!!



The Crew Gang Chat Place Gang (For og's)

(1 edit) (-3)

The people

(Bro i did it for the funny)


bro who tf downvoted my post


Me, Its my way of seeing how I like the name or not

I am going to fuck your mom and fuck her and fuck her with my meatly shlong clong mong oh yeah I will eat her up just likee i ate my food today






bro who are you


Oh wait,you just scream at people for swearing


yes because swearing is bad


fuck balls bitch cock

its fnf get over it lmao


pls dont swear. god will not be happy with u


Just mid your own buisness lol. Fnf is a game about a guy wanting to fuck his girl, not to be rude but your in the wrong place


:( fine just dont frikin swear

I have a big fat cock in my mouth rn it's hard to typrnnfsdfsd