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(1 edit)

At first I thought this game was tough. Then I played the Hard mode and longed for the simpler, more innocent days of Normal mode. Fine game, though. There weren't any attacks that I thought were impossible to dodge if you played right, but the green orb has a pretty tricky timing and the dug up rocks can also avoid your whip if you don't time it right. It might possible for the falling rocks to hit you unavoidably since they seem to be random, but I never encountered that so maybe there's a failsafe or they have finite, built-in patterns. Shovel Knight has a lot more health than you might think, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just means the game's that much harder and you have to actually learn the patterns. I will say that the gauntlet attack would be impossible to dodge if you can't figure out a specific movement quirk. The aspect ratio's also a little weird, but it fit well on a 5:4 monitor. The only fault I can find with this game is that the menu controls are weird and I wish there were a quit option on the menu. But gosh is the game hard. I shudder to think what a Super Hard difficulty would look like.