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(1 edit)

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but none of the commands are working in my chat when either I (broadcaster) or my bot (moderator) does the commands in chat. Nothing happens on Intro Fighters. It just stays on the start screen. If I press start and try the commands after that too, still doesn't work. !play classic or !play teambattles doesn't appear to be doing anything.

edit: Figured it out. The commands listed here says "!play" when in reality the command is "!start [gamemode]". That being said, it appears the commands can't start a game off of the intro screen without the streamer manually pressing start which makes them useless for me. :(

(2 edits)

Ah, yeah I changed it from !play to !start because I noticed some chat bots already had a command for !play. Forgot to change it in the changelog it seems.

But what exactly does your stream configuration look like, in other words, why would you prefer a command over clicking the start button manually? I mean ideally you only need to do this once per stream?

But anyway, I could implement it in the way you are describing but it would be a little more complicated since the game doesn't actually connect to your chat until the start button is pressed. 

Perhaps an automatic start would also work for your needs?

Automatic start would work great.

I'm doing something unique with your program. Lemme explain. Firstly, just to be clear, I don't want to have it open the whole stream as I don't like having programs open that could potentially lessen performance of the gameplay. I try to have the least programs open at all times. That's the founding of issue number one.

So basically, I'm trying to open the program remotely. I only plan to use it during pee breaks BUT not all the time every pee break. The plan is to use it for longer pee breaks, specifically: When I'm pooping. So the plan is to type "!pooping" from my phone while sitting on the toilet to open your program, activate the source on OBS, change the text from "Probabably Pooping" to "Actually Pooping", and then type "!start classic" in chat to start the game while I poop so the viewers have something more to do while I blast ass. Then, when I'm done pooping, I type "!wipe" in chat and it undoes everything and closes the program.


Okay, yes the performance aspect is a valid concern. Right now the optimization is not the best, even if you "pause" the game (there's still quite a bit of CPU usage) I plan to improve this in the future as well.

But yeah I should add an automatic start for the game. I think you need to handle remote starting/stopping the app executable on your own. I haven't looked into how that is done but I guess it's possible with some software? (maybe you are already doing this?)

I already can boot programs remotely using Bikubot, yeah.