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I've got this wishlisted on Steam because I liked the look, and I'm a sucker for metroidvania, but there are a lot of little things that are making me iffy about the game. I don't know if she is intended to feel kind of floaty during movement and combat, but it's not a good feel for me. Found myself wiffing swings against enemies fairly often, and getting stuck to walls with the slide animation while trying to platform. Outside of feeling floaty, the combat works well enough once you learn you can dodge roll, however, every time you kill an enemy, or open a chest, the items are flung 20 feet away from you and that doesn't seem necessary. Especially when you open a chest near a ledge and they items just yeet themselves off screen. The ability to hit roll upon landing to soften a fall would be a nice touch. Overall, I like the atmosphere, and the music, but the combat and platforming feeling off in a game based around combat and platforming is a sore spot for me. Maybe it's just alpha things.