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Hey, good to hear development is progressing smoothly !

Got 3 ideas regarding bonuses:

1. Bonuses may be a timed and random thing - For example production boon at certain station (lasting between days, for up to weeks) means they are paying extra for transport there. Or an intel coming from friendly officers - like there's high value cargo to be transported asap at station 'x' and they are willing to pay double.

2. Since goal for certain officers is to make pilot wear revealing clothes, perhaps sleazy/stern officers may give a bonus pay equal to total outfit changes.

3. On top of that certain cargo types may additionally impact morale/payment. Like having to wearing more/less clothes due to high/low temperature/moisure etc. of cargo resulting in morale penalty/buff + some small hazard pay. Also with passengers who may grope, praise her piloting skills, or trying to put tips in her cleavage for morale/cash change.