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Of course,  gosh I could not stop thinking about Sol when I first saw him playing Dominic's route. I knew I had to go back and play him. 🤭

Also, I guessed what Sol would say because you did a great job keeping him in character, if he didn't say what I thought he would say then it wouldn't be Sol. You get me?🤔😁

 I'm so relieved that you weren't offended 😅I realized when I was editing that pointing out mistakes to people sometimes discourages them and I don't want you to feel that way because you're so close to being a great writer.😊

The "beyong" thing was HILARIOUS 😂  I literally thought for 2 seconds that my last brain cells left me and I was incapable of reading. Don't worry about it we all make mistakes. I would barely be able to do anything if not for Google's help.

That "heavy and rude" line was so interesting but I can't wait to see what you replace it with.🤭

Thank you for enjoying them that will forever make my day.

 Your Host,
