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Relive the first few hours of the PS4 classic, rebuilt with PS1 aesthetics! · By LWMedia

What Game Engine Did You Use?

A topic by Dolphin Dive Games created Mar 19, 2022 Views: 2,166 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Hi, so Im trying to make a similar game to yours in a psx style and I was wondering what game engine you used.


UE4 was used in this one.


UE4, Unity and Godot all have tools to get the PSX look down more or less accurately nowadays.

Any shaders or ways you could reccomend for unity?


Sure, although note that I have yet to make anything with any of them myself so I can't say which option is the best. I've only read up on it since I intend to move from 2D to 3D dev soon-ish.

For shaders there is PSXEffects which seems very complete in the amount of things it can do. (There's two other paid ones in the asset store, but this one lists a lot more features.)
There is a free shader that has less things in it but might be good to test the waters of that style.

Then there is an entire render pipeline created by a guy in the Haunted PSX community that might be as good as PSXEffects but might also be harder to set up (but is free)... but like I said, I've yet to use any of these, I've only made 2D games. Best to just try them out I guess.


thanks very much, ill take a look at them when i get the chance

So I have been considering buying PSXEffects, would you consider it worth it?

It does seem to have every aspect of the PSX I can think of and has a very good demo video showing all options in action. It also seems to be the most commonly used and that has to be for a reason right?


Might be worth noting that you probably want to take some extra care to research if you want to use URP or Built-in RP. I ended up switching off-of URP because almost all retro shaders/effects were not available for it.