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(1 edit)

so i finally moved with nameless event, and i am little salty, he is so hot, but i picked up neutral route, naturally i would love to see what would happen if... you know - is there any way how to go around the save block? or it is too late? i dont want to play game for 400 more days

also got stuck, dont know how to start competetion event, and like on roushk got stopped at 47

What did you choose when you chose your ultimate desire when he asked you during his visit..? Did you not choose to se serve him, if so.. will he even warn you during the plains of death event after you met khalgor?

I'm actually curious.. cause I chose to serve him and had sex with him during plains of death event..

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Yes he warns you even if you don't say your ultimate desire is to serve him, I said I wouldn't tell and he still came to warn me.

The visit on the plains of death is just so you can choose to side with him if you regret your previous choice

Ah like that, thnx for clarifying

is there any way how to reroll save? i cannot use alternative save because how it is scripted:I so not even my alternative route i havve

Did you already do the Orc's war nameless visit? If you still didn't you can choose to side with him and have sex when you do. If you did I have no idea of how to redo that other then the nuclear option and I don't think you would want to do that since you would go back to 0 and have to redo everything