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This review is an amalgam of two after session reports I wrote in a TTRPG server I'm in on Discord:

It was blast. We came up with our cryptid to attempt meeting and wooing was a Will-o'-the-Wisp which we had decided was the trapped soul of some lesbian from long ago who had arranged to meet up with her sweetheart at this lighthouse. She waited and waited but her sweetheart never came. She continued to wait until her soul left her body in despair. 

When my friends and I wrapped up our game it was a bittersweet. It's worth noting that this is a different version of the game than I had played with my roommate once before. I had an ashcan version, but when I brought my friends together we were now using the full version which is significantly better is basically every regard.

Unfortunately, the dice were unkind and our cryptid consumed us. All but one of us was destroyed and turned into will o' wisps. My character, Aoife Self-Insert, had been pulling a Neo in the train station of the Matrix trying to wingwoman the shit out of the situation, but instead Aoife fell into a coma she never woke up from.

It was a good time. Highly recommend this game to everyone.