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Okay so we have a plotline or we just go with the flow?))

ummmmmmmm-go with the flow? 

alr you want me to start?))

Yes please!

Esoria was getting ready. You may ask, for what? Well, she was a ruler. You see, you may think I mean a queen or a princess-..but no. I mean a ruler. In her land, she was picked by the moon. (yes this is kinda a reference for the rise of the guardians 😌) Where she lived everyone who was destined to rule a kingdom was picked by the moon, you may be askinggggggg-why..and how? Well, manyyyyyy yearsss agooo-just kidding basically 1 million years ago people fought about who's going to be royalty blah blah blah-a god came up the idea blah blah blah-and boom she was the ruler this time so she grew up around maids, butlers, fresh food everyday...but she could never go out the castle, there were windows and things like that but they were only open in locked rooms. They never let her see outside which is why shes so...EMO😻-jk-...anyway, shes so hard on the outside.

This requires me to remember things-OH-ok- 

What was she getting ready for? 

yes :>)

Nowwww-She was getting ready for the next ball, even though she JUST turned 18 like 2 weeks ago she was now supposed to be looking for a future king but prince for the time being. She honestly didn't want to, she wanted to continue her studies. She was very interested in stars and planets..things like that and her getting married made her put all that aside which she didn't like.

She was in the middle of getting ready when she suddenly felt something-it was like, a sudden sense of warmth and comfort...the room filled with the scent of baking bread. 

Also for the aesthetic this was her castle and dress she was wearing-


She was putting pearled bobby pins in her hair before she slowly sniffed the air.

" is such a beautiful day..and the smell is quite..warm..."

She smiled at herself slowly, her hair in a bun as some beautifully coiled hair fell quite nicely above her shoulders, she then started putting on some bridget colored lip gloss on.

ooooooooooooo shiny- 

She noticed a couple of lights being lit or subtly glowing a bit brighter, the fireplace burning merrily.