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Do you have the itchio version? If so, can you try launching the AdamLM.exe directly from the folder? Also what are your system specs?

I haven't bought the itchio version but if the steam version doesn't work, I think the itchio version doesn't work. I'll try to test with the demo

yeah see if the demo works, if it does you can refund the game on steam I believe since you didnt "play it" for 2 hours. Then you can buy it here instead if it works

I can't refund because the purchase was made more than 1 month ago, and the demo still doesn't work... U_U

does the demo open? If not, is the process running in task manager?

It does not open and for a few seconds, it is seen that it opens in the task manager but it closes after 2 or 3 seconds

weird... did you try to run it from a different drive? Is it an ssd?

If my main disk is a 240Gb SSD but where I have everything installed is on the 1TB mechanical disk

maybe thats the issue, have you tried to launch the demo on the SSD?

I do that and nothing works T_T I hope I contact the creator