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Hi I am a game designer for a leading studio. I shall remain anonymous for now but I would like to provide feedback:
1. The game has a lot of potential, I was happy to support it
2. The later stages of the game are not so great: Once I hit wave 20, I've rounded up all my supply chain, I've contained the enemies to trap them into my kill zones. Now, it's just a boring task of fixing kill zones and beefing them up or adding redundancies because the enemies are just becoming stronger. Nothing changes. I think every reasonable player just sees where this is going and how pointless it is.
3. The graphics are cute. I dig the pixel... "art"... but I think you should increase the resolution a little bit and invest in better sprites, as these are quite unexciting and actually hard to see what's going on. Like, you don't see the cool parts of the guns... Or, you don't see the difference between sorter and pump, like, there's no semantics, no "mechanics".  Regardless of the resolution, the colors are boring!