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I just preordered this and am extremely excited by the idea of having the courtly intrigue and drama, without PVP (or at least that's the feeling I've got from the preview images). It's refreshing to see this mindset of working together towards something devastating.

Also it blew my minding thinking "wait a minute, is backstabbing and lack of community mindset a colonization thing???" Then I looked at my country and what Europe and the US did to it and like.... I have to sit down...

Now I'm wondering two things:

First: what themes each House addresses in colonization? (example: I saw on Actual Play Rae mentioning Clay being their feelings on History and how it's written)

Second: why is Evil Hat sleeping on this gem?? This would look sexy news to Blades in the Dark in their catalogue.

Amazing work!

Thank you so much!! You absolutely hit the nail on the head, The Twilight Throne focuses on collaborative political intrigue and moves away from PVP. There are a lot of mechanical incentives to work together, though a few mechanics do encourage healthy competition...

Yeah I think when I started looking at culture with a colonial and post-colonial lens it was absolutely devastating! Working on The Twilight Throne has been very cathartic, while still producing a lot of rich concepts to inspire play!

I'm planning on soon addressing how each House embodies my Strong Post-Colonial Feelings, maybe through a Twitter thread or a blog post? When I do, I'll definitely reply again here and leave a link! Thank you for watching the Actual Play video!

And re: Evil Hat, it's my hope that I'll be able to work with a publisher like them! (Or even Evil Hat themselves!) Please cross your fingers and toes for this game, haha. Everyone's early interest and support definitely helps indie games find the right publishers, so thank you so much <3