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No, no plans for Patreon, for a variety of reasons. Patreon works well mostly for people who can reliably put out a block of substantial content every month. This project I expect to mostly be: a given big release, followed by a couple months of bug patches and slight additions, followed by 7+ months of silence until the next big release. So for now I'm sticking to the plan outlined in the "Future Plans" post: this first one is free with optional charge, the next several will be a hard charge (probably $5), and when/if it's completed I'll bundle them all together.

Thanks for the quick reply, I was just wondering about Patreon because a lot of the other creators I follow on there tend to post votes from time to time for certain things such as what type of enemies they'll include. Regardless I'm already hooked by this early build and I'll be getting all the chapters you put out, games awesome. Would it be too early to ask if we'll see more baddies than just the boars?

In the following chapters, yes. Probably no new enemies in this one though.