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I'm not sure what you mean, but if I'm right, the MC can't use his power on Littli


MC not being able to use their power on Littli doesn't matter. MC wakes up from a sex dream about their family, and then forces Littli into sex after her saying to stop and that she doesn't want it. That's rape. Just because she "enjoyed" it, doesn't make it any less rape. Her "ruining" a sexy dream doesn't make it any less rape. 

MC has sex with Littli by force and without her consent, just think how people would react if a male character did that to MC. It's the same thing with MC doing it to Littli. 

If you want to keep this forced sex scene in the game, I'd suggest at least making in optional whether it effects the stories or not.

Ah, now I get it. I wouldn't call that scene rape. It's not that she was against it, she just didn't expect the MC to do it.


Not expecting it would be fine if she didn't say to stop and and that she didn't want to have sex. Saying stop and that she doesn't want it, means she doesn't want it and that she is against it, and that's what makes it rape. Just because it wasn't violent or anything doesn't change that.

If she hadn't said to stop and that she didn't want it, if she had instead said she was happy that he surprised her then I wouldn't have any problem with it.

If the game going forward doesn't treat this as a rape scene, and if there are no similar rape scenes, fine. But please be more careful and clear in future. 

What you intend is one thing, what you write and show in the game is another


Thank you very much! I will keep that in mind in the future.


Thank you. And thank you for taking my comments so well. 

What I've said is important and needed to be said, so I really appreciate you actually listening. 

It gives me great hope for the game going forward, and your future projects. 

I can now continue playing your game without feeling too bad.

Criticism is very important, it helps to move forward

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Thats pretty low to bring your RL politics into a "fantasy porn game"  They both have a special connection and they wouldnt hurt each other.  If anything I feel like they dont sexs enough (outside of the transfer blow job)   I think you should be asking for a choice here to skip the scene, rather than complain about it being wrong. 

It's not about "RL politics", if you'd read all my comments you'd know it's about player agency. If you want to be able to rape characters in the game fine, but don't force that on all players. Make it an option, not just an option to watch it or not.

You can't say "They both have a special connection and they wouldn't hurt each other" if what is shown in the game directly contradicts that.

Also, my complaint is like if I was complaining about forced NTR content or any other content that lots of people don't like.


When the heck did rape become politics? I think you need to sit down and reevaluate your life buddy.

(8 edits) (+1)

Ugh.... , its clear they have a relationship or bond already.  Merly was getting her in the mood and by the end of it she fucking loved it.  Common practice between people who are close to be intimate..  Yet your are bringing your whole rape politics into this scene just because your feelings got hurt and probably because what twitter tells you.   You need to reevaluate why you play these type of games. Instead of lecturing the dev hes doing rape.  Going forward, its clear the MC has a power thats going to make girls fall for him, so you better leave now. Unless you plan to stay and whinge /shrugs

I didn't lecture about the scene. How about you read that again, unless all the blood went to your little head and you can't concentrate enough to read two sentences