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TL;DR (fun one-handed game, but its really fun if its someone else's hand!!                                                                                                          A few months ago my girlfriend and I were discussing if video games are a form of art, or not. ( of course they are) So realizing that her argument is as effective as a fart in a windstorm. She tells my goodnight, on her way up the stairs she turns and says " at least your not spending money on porn" Anyway I buy this game and a few other like it to see what happens. The next morning after she leaves for work I rearrange my home screen too look as i forgot to close a secret folder. When i get home that afternoon as I get to the door i started to regret that I didn't grab a trashcan lid for a shield. I reach for the door slowly trying to prepare for the opening salvo of random household artillery. I grab the door, pull. Locked, panic sets in and I'm sure she is so mad that she's locked me out of our house. my key still works, open up wait for the 5,2 mexican hell about to come for me, as long as she doesn't curse at me in spanish I still have a chance in waking up tomorrow morning,but it's quite. From downstairs I hear her tell the dog she'll take her out to pee in a few, still not sure whats about to happen I walk down stairs. She's at my desk left clicking the hell out of the mouse, so just loud enough to hear me over the headphones I say hi, whatya playing? she turns tries to look like a hardass, I almost buy it then I notice a little curl of black hair stuck to her forehead and her cheeks are pink. But me being the super genus I still haven't fully comprehended what had been going on, my brain goes the opposite direction and thinking to myself, WOW she looks really hot like that, it looks like when she is...YOU LITTLE PERV !!! She puts her head down, stands up looks at me with this grin I have never seen before in the seven years together, then in perfect form pivots on her right foot and yeets my new v2 death adder at warp speed against the wall, now I'm trying not to laugh at the dog losing her mind at the 46 new toys my 100 dollar gaming mouse just created. In the midle of this confusion she grabs my ear and blows a fart in my face. WTF is going on. So since the little mexaperv is to embarrassed to do a review. so in her words This game is fun one-handed but its really fun if its someone else's hand...

LOL omg thats the funniest thing ever! Hey girls are pervs too :)