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Not bad for 2 hours! Probably I would make the character bigger, so it looks more the like the logo. So if the design is simple, then big pixels. I would add sounds and a background music, just a little effort but big benefits. Then I would try to implement the limitation transforming the player into a ghost/zombie/skeleton depending on the way he dies, and the possibility to recover depending on what you pick. So, the player never dies, he just evolves.

So if you made this in a couple of hours, now imagine it with 70 hours of polishing. I wish I had this idea in the first place, haha.

Hey thanks for the feedback. I wished I had more time with this one, I was only able to get the basic mechanics in. I really like the transforming idea you have its a cool way to make every run different. I will polish this on my free time so look forward to the update!