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Ok so working down the list of questions. 

- double jump seemed to get fix with some patch recently idk which one, I haven't played on the web version in a while and I'm pretty sure it has to do with multiple jump inputs registering on the same frame on chrome so you would just fly super high up by just mapping jump to 2 different buttons and press them on the same frame. much much easier on lower frame rates. 

- after experimenting for a while, I realized what it was when  wasn't dashing in the right direction.  the engine doesn't seem to like it when i input a direction on the same or very close frames to the input of the action. for example, if I input kick and down quickly, usually within the frame buffer window, i wont get a dive kick. the issue I was having with the dash is that I would be going in one direction, and then try to quickly slow myself down or completely turn around with a midair dash or grounded dash. because of the input engine buffer bug (IEBB for now on bc I'm lazy) I would just get a dash in the direction I had before turning around or just starting to heal up because my switching from one direction to another had a gap, and I pressed shift on it. this issues mostly seem to be with keyboard but idk

- the platform thing. just like, a lot of the platforms are either barely out of reach, or extremely easy to reach and often clutter the world because those same jumps wouldn't need 3 platforms and would only need 2 or even 1 platforms sometimes to reach the level I wanted to reach. they aren't literally different, its just their placement and general "vibe" of the intensions of putting them there are different. 

- vertical mobility isn't a issue if one just, momentum boost jumps through all the platforms, but its probably not intended to launch the character as much as it does. I also think that characters might be able to get multiple jumps off a single platform when approaching it from the bottom but I'm not fully sure. if you want i can post a vid of me doing it. 

to summarize the mobility thing, its less the mobility its self and more how the mobility of the character interacts with the game. also make the input registration engine work with inputs registered on the same frame or very close frames if possible.