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Okay so I think my neighbors are partying 'cause our floors are fucking shaking-


TW: Su1cide, venting. (some words are blurred out and some aren't.)

Okay, so there is this group of girls at my school that my friend group HATES. 







Remember those names.

Okay, onto the point. So yesterday the ELA teacher wasn't here, so we had a sub. And the sub didn't really give a shit-he was on his laptop doing whatever. And so, the kids started screwing around. All those girls that I noted are in that class, and me and Kerem have that same class together. So, one of the girls found a razor from a pencil sharpener, and she said: "Hey, why don't we c^t our initials on our arms with this too show how much we care for each other?" and so, they started c^tting themselves. And Abrianne decided to post multiple pictures on her fucking snap/insta story. How dumb could you be to do that? Post it online? Anyways, Johana was looking at Insta when suddenly-she see's the picture.

Now, I don't have the photo but I can tell yall what it said.

"Emo baddies, just cut our selves with a razor from a sharpener lololol"

and they had there @'s on there, and they had multiple photos of them c^tting, and one girl was bleeding and shit.

So Johana takes a ss (screenshot) of it, sending it to Kerem-and then from there, they said that they're gonna report them. 

The fucked up thing here is that Johana had texted Ger and Abrianne about it and Johana said: "Y'know what yall are doing can trigger people right??"

and she said: "Yeah ik."

Ger also said she didn't give a fuck abt su1c1de.

....What. The. Fuck.

How fucked up can you be to say that?

Anyways, today this girl name Iris comes up to Kerem trying to get her-and Kerem was on the phone with her mom, so I grab Iris's backpack and I say: "Wtf is you're problem dude?' and she says: "Kerem told on my friend group about the c^tting!" And I said: "She was doing the right thing-" and then Iris said: "Shut the fuck up." and so she tries to go to Kerem and Kerem walk's away and of course, I'm tryna defend Kerem so I was defending her. And Geraldine and Iris approachs us saying: "Yo, what the fuck Kerem? Why would you tell on us snitch?" and Kerem just-ignored them. And I said: "She's on the phone with her mom." and Iris says: "She's probably not even talking to someone.." and I say: "Yo-dumbass, can't you hear her mom's voice?" and she gets pissed and the other girls come and I was talking to Kerem's mom explaining what was happening, and she said I was doing good defending Kerem. And then Isabella here says: "If-If Johana and Kerem really cared about us...they wouldn't have told on us."

Listen bitch. None of us like you-you talked shit about everyones back.

Even mine when I did fucking EVERYTHING for you.

And you come at us with this shit?

Fuck you.

You're like one of the worst friends I've EVER had. You compared you're trauma to mine, you made my friends vape, and you come to me and say this shit? No. Fuck you.

Also, Geraldine might be fighting me, Kerem, and Johana tmr for what fucking reaons? 'Cause the short-ass want's attention. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh god.


um i was told not to


well i was called to the office abt math

gabe and manuel fighted  

gabe and manuel ???




kerem cte is so boring

Y was it boring

'cause it didn't have you-

