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I shall create summary of this game

Level 1: This seems like a fun challenge

First, you run the game

Second, you spawn in

Third, you go forward and evade the spinners

Fourth, you collect collectible

Fifth, you jump onto ledge

Five and a half, you collect collectible while jumping

Sixth, you jump onto another ledge

Seventh. you jump onto solid ground

Eight, you run past different lasers

Ninth, you jump onto ledge

Tenth, you collect collectible and jump back at last second

Eleventh, you jump onto another ledge

Twelfth, you jump onto another ledge

Thirteenth, you jump onto the last ledge

Fourteenth, you jump onto solid ground

Fifteenth, you jump onto blue square which teleports you

Level 2:  My life becomes a bit harder

Sixteenth, You jump and get collectible

Seventeenth, you jump down one level

Eighteenth, you jump towards the collectible and go down to the very bottom without jumping into the lava

Nineteenth, you jump into the blue box again getting the last collectible and teleporting again

Level 3: The depression sets in

Twentieth, you jump forward onto the pink pad which launches you up

Twenty first, you turn around and float back down and collect the collectible 

Twenty second, You move to the right to jump onto the pink pad

Twenty third, repeat last step except you move to the left

Now do it for the next 7.5 levels