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Effectively before and after battle reset are the same, as you can't start a new battle without ending the one you're in first. This bug does ring a bell though: think I might have seen it briefly, but it's one of the tricky ones because so many different conditions have to line up to trigger it. I'll do some more testing, but I THINK I have it caught at this point.

I think the mistake you're making with the HP thing is thinking it's all either one or the other, you either do the right thing and get rewarded or the wrong thing and get punished. In reality, the choices are a. do the wrong thing and get punished or b. Do the right thing and get rewarded, but also still punished (but less).

Using the resist skills is about buying time with energy. If you can get back to fighting, you can end the battle a lot faster (and with more "dignity") then if you fuck them all. Fucking your way to victory is "free", but it takes a lot longer, and raises your sex stats, which may have consequences later.

Thanks though, even if I don't use all it, I do appreciate feedback.

One more questions ;)

Flash dodge - description is Focus and escape next attack. Is it related to normal focus and recharge the energy?

Often during the second hypnosis in battle, if this happens, Mezz will have a struggle icon, although this action was not chosen. What does it mean in this case and how does it affect Mezza? 

I also saw some dialogues in the resource files that I didn't see in the game (for example, the words of the boars "What's that smell?" and then two storylines) Did I miss something or are these preparations for future implementation?

No, no relation between the moves, although I suppose that is confusing language.

The icon you actually see on Mezz isn't struggle, although it's again confusing because it's the same one used for struggle in the menu. It's a "weakened" state after he gets up that lowers his defense slightly. I'll have to change up the icons.

That boar line is in-game: it's after you encounter them again after a loss. There are unused NPCs and test stuff in there too, so that accounts for the rest of it.

(2 edits)

How to get to this line and where exactly? In my opinion, I have already passed everything that is possible :) I even managed to defeat the boars on the stairs. Unfortunately it turned out to be only one rai in was really difficult. More often they won, but even then I did not see these dialogues. 

And, I understand correctly that Diezel doesn't use hypnosis during the fight with Mezz?

btw, in the location in the warehouse (where the bed is), at the top left I can see a room with three boars, but they can't be reached :)

You have to lose once to any of the regular, roaming enemies, get the scene, and then encounter one of the regular enemies again (mashers don't trigger it.)


That's not a room, that's outside. Note the shape of the building.

I lost a couple of times to ordinary boars, not for the scene, but by accident, but nothing in the dialogues changed. They remained standard. 

If we take the whole general idea of the game, and the story from FA, then Mezz is perhaps the only one who did not understand what was happening to him for a long time, although the boars know everything perfectly and treat him accordingly, and are happy to use the opportunities. But according to the dialogues of the game, such changes are visible only in the dialogue in front of the stairs in case of loss. Otherwise, the dialogues are quite diverse, but do not reflect this idea. Maybe the trigger didn't work somewhere?

To be clear, once you lose once and see the scene, your next encounter with any of the regular enemies should trigger a one-time dialogue at the beginning of battle. I just double-checked and it is working as intended as far as I can see, so I'm not sure what could be causing your issue. If you like, you can try taking that first loss again from an older save to see if it goes through this time. There's no extra art though, it's just a bit of banter.

Not sure I fully follow you here. The trigger is obviously not full power at first, as evidenced by the move often failing in combat. Once Mezz reaches a certain point it becomes trivial to use it to disable him immediately, which is what the boars do.