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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, that's a big compliment :)

Thank you for the suggestion; I thought about doing a two part arrangement for the title screen, but I ultimately I thought it'd be best to keep it simple.

How far have you gotten in the game? Have you found all the bananas? Any secrets (if so, please refrain from identifying which in order to keep the secret for those reading)?

I'm not too good at playing videogames, I'm in the second level. I think I haven't found any secrets...


Out of appreciation for the grueling challenge of platformers before it, I designed this game to be very challenging, so it's understandable to have some trouble with it.

The heavy controls are meant to encourage strategy over dexterity, and the secrets are a natural evolution of that sort of gameplay mindset.

I plan to make a behind-the-scenes video in the future that shows off how I designed it so if it's too much a challenge now, the full game will be shown in that video!