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Hmm, yeah... to be perfectly honest, the queue system is by far the least "exercised" part of TrueState.  I never found a good personal use for it (and was planning on removing it from TrueState 3), and I most definitely did not test it in conjunction with the lock system.  

I'd say if you got it to work, I'd be surprised if there was any real impact on other systems if you haven't already noticed them.

(1 edit)

Yeah, nothing is broken so I think it’s fine. I find the queue system to be very useful. I’m using them to perform the attack combos for my bosses. I’ve created a library of enums, incorporating movement at attack types, and put them in an array. Now I just pick a random attack combo from that list and have boss run through the states to perform said combo. This makes creating new “dark soul type” boss combo very easy (By just make an enumeration of the attack order you want and put it in the array). I would highly suggest keeping it as I find it to be the most exciting feature in the package. 

I should also thank you for the package and your web articles they have help me with my AI and game organization a lot.


Awesome!  Yeah, it's really exciting to know that at least someone is using that feature.  I'll definitely include it in the next version, and make sure it doesn't have the same issue you found here.