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Did you ever think…

The person standing in front of you is also technically standing the farthest behind you.

If you have two pillows, the top pillow is technically using the bottom pillow as a pillow.

Earth is a wet rock that’s been sitting out so long, stuff started to grow on it.

You never actually stop clapping, the time between claps just becomes longer.

You can get arrested for peeing in front of other people, then you will be forced to pee in front of other people.

By the time your brain processes the present, it becomes the past.

Rainbows are just water, so they taste like water, and there’s nothing more to it.

Children think adults have all the freedom, and adults think children have all the freedom.

If everyone on Earth died at the same time, the internet would technically just be bots posting, liking and commenting on each other with no purpose in sight.

We laugh at dogs getting excited when they hear a bark on TV, but if TV was just a string of random noises then suddenly someone spoke your language you’d also be pretty excited.

Lamps in video games still use electricity like real lamps.

Bottled water companies don’t produce water… they just produce plastic bottles.

When you buy water, you’re not paying for the water, you’re paying for the bottle.

Technically, buying water just means paying to stay alive.

If you can only last 3 minutes without air before brain damage starts to happen, synchronized swimmers must be significantly brain damaged.

Refrigerator doesn’t have a ‘d’ in it, but fridge does.

February 22 2022 is a Tuesday. This is the day with the most identically pronounced words in our lifetime. We will never experience a day with more identical words.

If you like chocolate, but don’t like dark chocolate, and like extra sugar with your tea or coffee, but don’t like it without, you technically just really like sugar.

If you stayed in one place for the whole day, technically you didn’t since the earth is constantly moving, and you will likely not be in the exact same place you were before, and the sun moves as well so the chances of being in the exact same place at the exact same time etc. in our galaxy are 1 in more than your brain can comprehend.