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(12 edits) (+2)


  1. Dynamic parts (muscles, joints) such as appendages for diverse locomotion (undulation, jellyfish locomotion) and interaction with the environment (bringing food to the mouth, moving the mouth, attacking)
  2. Segmentation for the above and for reproduction by splitting or budding
  3. Fluid dynamics for plankton and 1
  4. The ability to spit stomach acid for attacks and external digestion
  5. A mechanic in which touching eggs become one with each gene randomly selected from the old eggs for sexual reproduction
  6. Injury for consumption of bibites without killing and thus parasitism
  7. Recognition of objects by color for camouflage
  8. Metamorphosis and other lifetime development
  9. Decomposers
  10. Poison/Venom/Toxins
  11. Waste excretion for plant consumption and 9
  12. Sessile bibites
  13. Torus-shaped universe for border continuity
  14. Zooming without the scroll wheel
  15. A sense of touch
(1 edit)

Not sure how #1 would be implemented - everything needs a gene attached to it and anything controllable needs output neurons, so if Bibites could gain and lose these dynamic parts there would need to be something in place to handle Bibites having different amounts of output neurons.

#13 could be implemented by splitting the map into quadrants - Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. Then, depending on what quadrant a Bibite is in and what border is being crossed, the Bibite could basically be teleported. Going off the east edge would put you on the west edge, and vice versa. Going off the north edge will put you back on the north edge but in the other direction, and same for the south edge.

I don’t quite understand what you mean with #5 - is this, like, egg merging?


Yes. Eggs merge and recombine.