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(1 edit)

coming in hot with a bug fresh off the presses! if you type like "test test" and then a newline at the end and click play it only plays one "test".
i think its probably when the input is split into tokens, the newline character is not trimmed and becomes part of the last token and obviously "test\n" is not a valid word
hope this helps!

chess edit: right on the money! cleaned \n out of entry strings before passing em to vox. will prolly have to do an input sanitization pass at some point but for now this'll do. thanks!

i still see something similar. the following (with a newline at the end) seems to skip the last note
!tc vox ^s n17 +* +3-*

i just hear the first two notes. on v1.2.0.2

but i dont think it'll be a common issue for live voxes, since i dont think you can enter a newline on a twitch message

oh weird... so, i cant replicate this by simply pressing enter, but i CAN replicate it by hitting shift+enter...??? i wonder if shift+enter is doing a \r\n or something, since i Only clipped \n out. i'll give it a look tomorrow, thanks for the headsup