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Oh my God it's you!!! You're the one who got me completely addicted to otomes and dating sims! While playing ITYH I felt there was something very familiar about the style and suddenly I had a flashback from YEARS AGO of a game where the character asked the MC to give him his heart and you can make her agree...and let me tell you that I was in shock for days after that scene! That game was yours wasn't it?
At the time I was just discovering the genre and all I had played were a couple of sweet and nice dating sims. And I did liked them. I stumbled upon yours by accident and after playing it (and recovering because I had no idea what I was getting into and I felt both amazed and betrayed XD) I craved for more of that same feeling.
I have never stopped playing dating sims and otomes since then, horror ones or not. But you were the very first one that made me think "Wow, these games can be true art!"
I am so happy to finally have the opportunity to thank you. I didn't know at the time but looking back I understand: thanks to you I realized there was more to dating sims than cutesy generic love stories and that the genre was worthy to explore, that there were true writers and true artists in that field. Thank you SO MUCH for your games and for the doors they unlocked.