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I swear, I have NEVER been more invested in a visual novel (even if is a corny porn parody, and a pretty good one, may I say) , and considering this is my very first one, you guys blew my mind away. I first discovered this game through a Spanish meme, following the "Oh, Overwatch is a game?" inside joke, because all the porn there is of it, and all my friends spent that evening laughing. But me? I was like, oh shit, is that a real game? Mind you, I am not a big fan of porn, animated or not, but the mix between nsfw and storytelling in this, this... Work of art just blows me away. I even created at account just to leave this long-ass rant about how much I love you guys, please do stay safe, and as soon as I can save up some money, do expect to have a new supporter, both spiritually and monetarily <3

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Haha yes, the best ad for our game is the community making memes. We didn't even know until recently that there was this much Spanish memes about our game.

If only you could see the happy faces of our writer and artists when they see comments like yours. Monetarilly support is cool and all, but the spirituall one is eternal.


Oh yes, there is plenty of Spanish memes about our dear Academy 34! A few of my friends, (The ones that have played Overwatch, anyhow) are well informed about this game and its memes! They are too shy to play it though, since it has nsfw and all, so I drop tiny facts about the game from time to time, convincing them to try the game, at least for a few hours, with promises of great storylimne amd amazing art! Because, let's bombard your awesome artists with compliments for a bit, the art... it's absolutely astonishing! The characters look so well detailed and paired with the awesome writing, they look very much alive, with deep  backstories and actual concerns and problems! 

Well, I'm done harassing you beautiful people with love, (For now, anyways <3) Just know I will be supporting this awesome game throughout its development, and now, having read about the future work of a background music makes me even more impatient for your future work! 

You guys take care, stay hydrated, and please don't overwork yourselves, as much as we crave your awesome content, we know and accept that it takes time, and a whole lot of effort to make this happen <3