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What are your terms about using these songs in a commercial game?



You can use my songs freely in your projects (Commercial or not). You only need to credit me as the original author 'Eclipzodiac'.

🟦 You can also cut / modify / remix my songs if you want to adapt them for your project(s).

me too? what exactly do you want me to say when i credit you?

You can mention me as one of the creators of the soundtrack of your project like:
-Example 1: Soundtrack by: Eclizpdiac, [artist 2], [artist 3], and so on.
-Example 2: Song ["Brave reaction" and "Eleuxelier"] by Eclipzodiac
You can put it at the credits of your project or in your project description. Do it as you like. The thing is that when people listen to the songs they can check the name of the artist if they like.


Thank you! i love the music and will be sure to credit you!