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It looks amazing, but it doesn't play well. The first thing you do is combat and even that feels clunky. The game hides my cursor so clicking the Play button at the start was more difficult than it should have been. The Replay button in the death screen didn't work so I had to close out and restart again. A lot of work has gone into the visual fidelity (although the fire effects on enemies are a bit too extreme) but not enough into whatever the core experience is supposed to be. The core experience should be your focus, everything else is an afterthought.

Thanks for your thoughts! I agree the mouse hiding thing was annoying. For some reason it worked in the editor and disappeared on compilation. I put the most amount of time into the feeling of movement but I agree that the combat could have been a lot more refined. I appreciate the response as it lets me know what I can work on to make the game better :)