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Thanks for playing the game !

I've already heard some people were struggling with the "parkour" part of the game - but hardest part about it is actually the contrast of the tiles you need to jump on - as they are sometimes only barely visible due to the black and white design (which is intentionally)- the jumps however are designed to be only very small and easy to do (therefore I might make them easier in future games).

About the blur effect:

There actually is no motion blur effect added to the game - therefore there is no way for me to give an option to turn it off. However, there is a slight possibility you experience motion blur due to your gpu. In that case I'd love to know your specs so I might be able to work on optimization in future projects.

(There obviously is a slight natural motion blur which is 1. caused by your screen 2 .caused by the human eye, but I doubt that's the issue you're talking about)

Thanks for your comment !