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Greatly enjoying this game. The Relics really changed things up. So here's what I've been playing with for the last few hours now... Bit of a mess, but it's been working.

Basically, archer build, got Rage on the bow from a Forge event, so the arrows and the bow both build up damage the more of them I shoot, the Vampire Stone ensures I heal up with every shot, and the Elven Wood lets me keep shooting as long as I have arrows. Thanks to the Elven Wood, I can basically build up my Rage to pretty much any number as needed, then finish off the target with the shivs. Prior to getting the Rage, though the process took MUCH longer to kill anything with a large hit point pool. 

The rest of the time, during easier fights, I turtle up, and keep using the quiver to stack up the arrows so I've got them ready for the tougher fights. I'm on Floor 20 right now with no issues so far.