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Died twice on my first encounter, once to 6 slimes then to 3 pixies. Probably want easier battles to start especially with only one party member to start. I actually dig the first person in rpgmaker, gives it a really unique feel especially with a giant maze. Although after my first death when I hit new game it actually started me in 3rd person and stayed that way even after entering the maze as seen above. I'm sure your aware that you can't skip things, but it is kind of annoying not being able to skip the main menu intro, the employee video, and any dialogue with npcs. I went through like 8 lines of dialogue and accidently started it again after spamming spacebar. Also the golden lady will tell you to do something even if you've already completed it, and if you have disappear right after telling you to do something. Overall I think its really interesting and with some minor changes can grow a lot.