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I did! I have managed to get through absolutely everything that's up to offer so far and it's all amazing! Props to everyone for this VN honestly, your entire team is great UwU

---Spoilers ahead---

I also went through all of Ren's Moon routes and holy god I was a crying mess I love this boi so god dang much. Why does Maruki have to be involved in everything aaaa he's such a sweetheart ;-;

His Sun route is adorable so far I am just... In love :'D

And Akechi's other Moon bad ending- Let's just say I was not prepared for what happened but Possessive Akechi has my entire heart and I love it

His Sun route's abrupt ending had me laughing so hard you don't even know. It was hilarious how MC didn't realise she was talking to Akechi until after he left, god bless XD

I ALSO looked at what was given of both of Yusuke's and I'm super excited for those to be finished too!

And the Ren/Akechi future joint route... Hmmmmmmm I wonder what that's gonna be about... I'm weak for both of these boys and I would give my soul for that. Also more Possessive Akechi? Possibly? Hopefully 👀

But I am patient. I shall wait for that day to come.