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Shout out for Phaser! Your game is really unique.

I really like the little mini-game at the beginning where you are looking for yourself. It's a really great concept, and fits into the theme of the game. I would like to see that highlighted better in game - although you do mention it in the game description.

The clover mechanic is very cool and very imaginative. Because it lasts for so short a time and starts automatically on collection I didn't feel I could use it strategically though, which feels like a missed opportunity.

One little question: am I supposed to go faster moving diagonally? If not I use this very simple code in my Phaser games to normalize movement speed:

let character_direction = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(0,0);
if (input.left) {
    character_direction.x -= 1;
if (input.right) {
    character_direction.x += 1;
if (input.up) {
    character_direction.y -= 1;
if (input.down) {
character_direction.y += 1;

Game is HARD. Haven't finished it (yet). Keep getting caught by some c'thonic plant creatures or ghost squids before I can get all the photos!

Alright, back to this strange liminal space and time to collect more photos!

Nice game.

Once you collect the clover you can use it repeatedly. It has a cooldown. You can use it again (Q or E) when the box around the clover icon in the upper right corner gets white again. (mental note: one more thing to better communicate in-game, rather then via hints in the description, we hear you!)

I appreciate the length of your feedback! Very cool and very helpful, thanks! pixel-fabian is the programmer, so it is his domain to answer your question. :) And please reload the game page rather than clicking restart for more randomized variety of monster sprites :-)

Well spotted, its not intentional that the diagonal movement is faster. Because i only used velocity to change the directions, i think x+y add up. Thanks a lot, i'll try out your solution. Still learning a lot about Phaser :)