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My card is not supported :( Can't i use Paypal on

You can enable PayPal as a creator, but unfortunately it requires  a tax interview and I just didn't feel comfortable giving my SSN to (especially since it also requires a third party to verify.) I really wish I could give you the option, since it's definitely the most convenient method. I went ahead and made the old combat demo for R&tW free so that anyone who can't buy it can at least have a taste--hopefully by the time the next game releases I'll have a better solution.

Thanks for uploading games. I was wondering do you take requests on games and how much to create a game?

Hi, I'm glad you like them--they're fun to make. I definitely do take requests for game ideas, although a finished version can take several months to complete depending on how complex it is, and I am in the process of making one atm. Go ahead and send your request to and we'll discuss prices.

Just messaged you on there

I sent you a reply earlier today with screenshots--did you get it?