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Great game. Loved the concept and the art style. Could to with a little more tutoring for the player. Trying to read stuff on the screen, while dodging bullets and firing back doesn't go well together. Meaning, that some tutorial text I just completely missed. Switching between lines, although is a really cool mechanic, does need some work. It was difficult to know where I would go next as pressing 'W', which I've learnt to be forwards/up, would sometimes take me down or to the side. Also, not sure if you can kill the final boss but the second time that I brought the health bar to 0 and nothing happened I gave up. Still, this is just stuff that can be ironed out with a bit more polish.


Thank you for playing!! I'll keep that in the back of my head and work on that once I get back to this. I appreciate your feedback! Also, I'll try your game since it seems interesting. 

Thank you, you don't have to play it but I obviously appreciate it if you do. Best of luck with your projects in the future.