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Been playing and loving the map so far!  Had a couple questions I was hoping to get some help with.

1. What is the blower you use to fill the stave silos, and how do you use them?

2. How exactly do you use the hay loft functionality?

3. Has crop yield been dialed down? I've done a TON of mowing on FS22 and I'm getting ~25% as much grass.  Even noticed it when harvesting oat.  Haven't done a full year's plant and field care to max out yield personally in order to fully troubleshoot, but still thought it odd.

Regardless, absolutely amazing map, and I really dig the new functionalities and harvest calendar.  Detailing and polish is superb too.

Self-answered 2.  It is NOT a bale storage functionality.  Rather, a load point for straw in to the cow pens instead of using a blower to chop bales.  Pretty nice because that was always slow.

Deleted 2 years ago
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Self-answered 1 by more closely reading another answer.  Blower is another mod found here -

Un-answered 1.  Can't get it to work hahaha


Did you put the blower under the outside pipe of the silo and attached it to a tractor as you can see on the picture posted to the blower?

I highly recommend you use the Meyer forage boxes for unloading from Skywalker Farms:

The Gehl boxes don't work. I gave it a shot on another map some time ago.

Yessir, I have the blower as perfectly lined up as possible (though there's no trigger of any kind), tractor is running and I can see the blower parts rotating.  Tried dumping forage wagon right up on it and it just piled up.

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Hey Miguel, I've just blown two loads of grass in the silo. Try to line up the forage wagon as close as possible to the blower. By pressing 'U' you choose the front unload. Maybe you have to switch a few times between the two tip sides. And you can move the tractor a little bit back and forth. The 'I'- unload icon should pop up.

Was just looking at the maps_fruitTypes xml and coincidentally, grass and oats are the two fruit types that had their harvest rates decreased.  I tried adjusting those values in the xml, but it doesn't seem to be changing anything.

any "fix" for that.. not looking for grass to be nerfed