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First off want to tell you guys the game looks great, you've really improved how the game looks since your first development demos in class. 

1. I survived for about 2 minutes. I'd say the AI behavior can be a bit challenging but I do like the jumps they do since its some added challenge but I think adding various AI behaviors would like one that is easier to hit maybe would make the difficulty perfect. 

2. I think the enemies were good. I think making some of them patrol rather than seek out the player when they spawn would help. Because at times those swarms do feel a bit too crowded.

3. Arm swapping was great, my only issue is that when you only have one weapon you can switch to your empty slot. I accidentally did this and thought the auto gun was broken, so I think not allowing the player to switch to an empty slot when they only have one weapon would make your inventory system perfect. 

4. The controls were fine, I think tuning jump height or maybe adding a double jump would be the last improvement to make there. Other than that controls were fine and played pretty well for the most part.

5. The UI is probably my biggest critique so far. The timer and inventory UI was fine. But nothing from what I've seen communicated health levels. Even a low health warning would've been fine too because I had no idea how close I was to dying until I got the game over. 

6. I think everything was visible. The camera was fine, the UI was good, and I could identify weapons I could pick up pretty easily. 

7. The one thing I'd say felt like a bug was the single shot cannon. It felt very unresponsive at times. I don't know if you guys have a long delay for that weapon, but it's behavior felt very inconsistent. I think you may just need to shorten the delay on it and tweak that but regardless that is definitely something you guys should look at improving for the final release.

Good work though guys, I like what you guys have and this is honestly a good base for a full game because I could see a fully fleshed out version of this game being really fun! Good luck on the rest of your development guys!
