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You are using the Linux build to be clear ? If so I could try to compile it again, but I have no way to verify it.. so I could send you here a notice when that's done.

Maybe it doesn't work for linux, due to the way to code works or something else going on, it's unity afterall :D

Yeah that happens on the linux build for me. Ill keep trying it if you rebuild it and let you know if it works

I uploaded a new version, can you try ? 

If that doesn't work I will remove the option for Linux :( to avoid the problem

Damn well thanks for trying. I can get it sorta working running the windows version with wine, some of the text doesnt appear though

(1 edit)

At least you managed to get in hell :D did you get mum her ingredients tho ?

I did, after some challenges finding the milk, and running from geese