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(1 edit) (+1)

Updated to v0.1.5

Why i don't think that weight based random selection of portraits is good:

In principal its a good idea, but many images contain tags that can never be matched (due to how race determines things like hairColor), it also has tendency to select mismatching portraits(big tits on a flat loli pictue) and often favors portraits that have been tagged with multiple tags which makes it unlikely for strictly tagged images to ever be picked(repeats ar common and annoying). I am sure whoever used "Improved Random Portraits" have noticed those things. 

Since, unlike in s4p, in conquest character apperance is purely a flavor-text thing there is no reason to try and fit portraits to characters. Instead its better to make a character fit the portrait that has been selected purely randomly.

All of that is just my opinion tho, both weight based and random selections are compatible with the mod.