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(1 edit) (+3)

I think I'm doing good. It's my second 2d platformer game. Right now I'm designing the main levels for the game and fixing some issues with the pixel art assets that I've made.  I only hope I'll make it on time.  And if anyone is interested, the game I'm currently developing is a simple mini-game when the player is forced to switch between two different dimensions to finish the level. A similar mechanism can be noticed in the game called The Medium. I am highly inspired by it.

Edit: The main reason for that 'switching dimensions' mechanism is my attempt to make it clear that not everything in the game's world is real. Also, the big part of this whole concept is a mini-story that I hope will be done before the end of the jam.

Oooo, sounds great! Fixing and improving art at this time of the game jam will make the end product look much better. Can't wait for your game! Good luck!