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Long time fan, first time commenter, I'm actually curious as to where Alice is living, the manor has enough rooms for her to stay in, I'm just saying if we want to turn Chloe back to normal it would be wise to have her sister around to assist us in swaying Chloe our way


We still have act 3, so who knows what will happen there...

But I don't really think the manor is the safest spot for a child, I mean, there's a reason all the MC's kids live in the daycare with Annie and Kana taking care of them.

Also I reckon some people wouldn't appreciate being cockblocked by Alice being in the manor.

Well, eventually we'll have the opportunity to make things right.
Those kids bullying Alice better get ready for trouble...
Or rather, the kids' mothers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

True, night outings would get difficult with Alice around, it would make more sense to have her live with the kids seeing as how she pretty much knows where the barn is located, and how our kids see her as an elder sister

Ah I don't think night outings would get hard with her around...might even lead to some more fun potential things ...!