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Oh yea it's no problem!! Absolutely take your time with responding, no pressure or anythin, I'm just really glad you liked it!!

I used a wireless Switch Pro controller, it might just be some kinda sensitivity issue on my end.
I didn't notice the audio sliders actually, I'm glad you got those set up though!

I honestly wasn't expecting to get any kinda big response to this beyond maybe just thanks, but again I'm just, really glad you like it so much. Your game deserves it.


Thank you , yeah,  I totally get that. I think I was just struck by your addressing the heart of the matter, that the subtext is the context, it is the environment and the medium etc.  I was hoping someone would resonate with it on that level and so I just thank you for meeting it there.

Also happy to know there are some Negativland fans out there :)

I'll take a look to see if I can change thresholds for controller sensitivity. It sucks that that happened. I have a patch coming in a few weeks anyway, hopefully that version will be without such an issue.

Thanks again for the kind words. They're very appreciated. Have a great day!

If you get a moment to check, I wonder if you'd be able to download the v3.2 I just put out and tell me if that fixed your controller drift issue. I increased the threshold for joystick inputs, I hope that helps.


Just checked, works perfectly!

ah, SO glad to hear that! thanks for checking!