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Hey again,

yes, I get error messages, they're alway the same, no matter how many times I load it. In this case, I've used Offline Elusives and Scoring mods. 

This exact error can only occur if you have offline elusives. Use the optional file to not restore the brothers, that can be a lot faster.

If you get the same error then, you did not disable the brothers correctly. Proceed to remove offline elusives completely.

If get different but similar errors, try re-downloading the framework and make sure you overwrite all files.

Hey, thanks for having patience with me. I did everything, I've verified game files, I've redownloaded framework, removed elusives and replaced them with other content packs, but it still crashed, just giving me similar error. Here I've used weapons pack, not using elusives. Frameworks simply doesn't seem to work with my game at all, and it always crashes. I have no idea what to do.  

Can you check if rpkg tool from works on your computer? The framework is always stuck when using that to extract game files. Maybe you get an error message from the tool that points to the issue, like missing dependencies?

If that works and you know how to do that, can you try using a console to start rpkg-cli.exe -i in the framework tool thirdparty folder? Do you get a prompt?

Other than that, I'm running out of ideas that are easy to try, sorry.